Webinar on Public Key Infrastructure with Demonstration on Digital Signing and Use of Digital Certificates
Webinar on Public Key Infrastructure with Demonstration on Digital Signing and Use of Digital Certificates
Program Accreditation No. ACC-2009-001-3712
22 October 2021 9:30AM to 12:00PM
Competence Area A ; 1.5 CPD units
Speaker: Engr. Deomar L. Pedrosa
Registration Fee:
*P375.00 for PICPA Members in Good Standing
*P500.00 for PICPA Members not in Good Standing/Other Attendees and Other Professionals
*FREE for PICPA Baguio, Benguet, Mt. Province Chapter
Where to pay?
1. Via over-the-counter (OTC) transaction, online banking or mobile application bank transfer (InstaPay or PESONet) using the following account details:
Deposit at: PS Bank (Baguio Branch - Malcolm Square)
Account Name: PICPA Baguio-Benguet Chapter
Account Number: 101332-00039-3
Client Name: COMPLETE NAME of paying webinar participant
Reference Number: PRC ID number of paying PICPA member (if non-CPA, put N/A)
Kindly fill up this registration link and attach a copy of your receipt
Registration link:https://forms.gle/uKN2erkM7nyxQDtA7
2. GCash application fund transfer:
A. Select Bank Transfer
B. Select PS Bank
C. Enter account details:
Account Name: PICPA Baguio-Benguet Chapter
Account Number: 101332-00039-3
Kindly fill up this registration link and attach a copy of your receipt
Registration link:https://forms.gle/uKN2erkM7nyxQDtA7
For further queries please email us at: picpa.baguio.benguet.chapter@gmail.com